Webhook: Inbound Call
When an inbound call comes in, an inbound call webhook is sent out. The webhook uses Authorization Header and Authorization Token values for authentication to protect your data. Please contact 2X to…
When an inbound call comes in, an inbound call webhook is sent out. The webhook uses Authorization Header
and Authorization Token
values for authentication to protect your data. Please contact 2X to configure these.
When the call comes in, the 2X system looks through your workflows to determine if the inbound call's phone number matches any of the records currently in your workflows. If a match is found, the system then transfers the call to that workflow's transfer number. If a match is not found, the system will transfer the number to your company's default transfer number.
When the system finds a match for the phone number in a workflow, the object sent by the webhook uses the following structure:
"id": 123456,
"call": {
"end_reason": "call_transferred",
"duration": 20,
"record_phone_number": "7778889999",
"record_first_name": "John, Jr.",
"record_last_name": "Doe",
"record_zip_code": "98765",
When the system does not find a match for the phone number in a workflow, the object sent by the webhook uses the following structure:
"id": 123456,
"call": {
"end_reason": "call_transferred",
"duration": 20,
"record_phone_number": "7778889999"
Field Explanations
Used for reference, please supply to 2X if you have issues.call:
Object containing specific call details.end_reason:
This field specifies the reason the call ended. In the case of inbound calls, it will always becall_transferred
Call duration in seconds.call_direction:
Specifies the call was inbound.
: The record information that was provided when the record was added to a workflow.workflow_key:
The unique key used to identify the workflow.
How did we do?
Webhook: Post-Call
Adding Records via CSV