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Key API & Workflow Integration Insights

Important Workflow Integration Thoughts:. Webhook Data Transfer : Company workflows leverage webhook data to provide real-time updates on each call, including the day and sequence of the call within…

Kevin DeMeritt
Updated by Kevin DeMeritt

Important Workflow Integration Thoughts: 

  • Webhook Data Transfer:

    Company workflows leverage webhook data to provide real-time updates on each call, including the day and sequence of the call within the workflow. This enables seamless alignment of call efforts with ongoing marketing campaigns such as emails or SMS.

For example, if a second call is placed on Day 3 as part of the aged lead workflow, webhook data that 2x sends back to your CRM indicating that call (Day 3_Call 2) can trigger a corresponding email or text message to reinforce the message delivered during the call. This ensures a cohesive customer journey.

Additionally, webhook information includes call outcomes and customer engagement insights, which can help tailor future interactions based on previous touchpoints. This creates a dynamic feedback loop that continuously optimizes engagement strategies.

  • Stopping Workflows:

2X Solutions workflows automatically stop when a customer calls back using the same phone number that was used to contact them and reaches the same outbound queue line used for the original call. However, it’s important to note that customers may sometimes call back using a different phone number or contact your team through other channels, such as your company’s main phone line. In such cases, 2X will not automatically stop the workflow.

To address this:

  1. Stop Calling API: Utilize the API provided by 2X Solutions to automatically stop workflows. By sending the 2X platform the API whenever you convert or speak to a customer, you can ensure the workflow is halted promptly.
  2. Opt-out CRM Integration: Consider implementing an opt-out button in your CRM to allow representatives to easily stop workflows and permanently opt the customer out of any further calls.
  3. Back Office Tools: You can also leverage the opt-out/STOP CALLING feature in the 2X Solutions back office to manually stop a workflow or remove a customer from all workflows permanently, ensuring no further contact is made.
  • Add a Unique Customer ID:

When uploading data to the platform it can be a good idea to provide a unique customer ID from your CRM. Without a unique ID, webhook updates sent back to your CRM based solely on phone numbers may affect multiple records with the same phone number. Using a unique ID ensures precise data handling and seamless integration with your CRM.

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